In the above example, p2 is the leader of the team.
Yes, since September 2020 you can set teams in MapEditor.īut, for something more complex (i.e, making actual use of that teams) you can use scripts, see: var p1 = getZone(160).owner If your map has DLC clans, then ALL players that join the map must have the DLC to play, regardless if they pick a DLC clan or not. It will be hopefully be added in the future. No, there is no functionality for that at this time. Place this in the init() call to function: You can only do this through scripting, you can not use the Map Editor. state.removeVictory(VictoryKind.VYggdrasil) įAQ To set the victory condition to military only. State.removeVictory(VictoryKind.VOdinSword) State.removeVictory(VictoryKind.VHelheim) State.removeVictory(VictoryKind.VMilitary) setObjectives() // if you want to use Objectives API do it here, on first launch only - State to set onFirstLaunch, keep and serialize with Save. - Named constants, settings and flags.
Save following code as script.hx text file and put it together with your map file ( map.dat) 2.18 Which API features are only for single-player?.2.17 Where I can see my Workshop-subscribed mods?.
2.16 How to save time and pre-load tiles that are used often throughout the script?.2.15 I want to scan the player units and find PREDICATE.2.14 I want something to happen only once after a certain time, how do I do that?.2.13 How do I get the current or future months? How do I convert a year/month to seconds?.2.12 Why can't I Add Happiness or Warband?.2.11 I can not check if player has Lighthouse.2.10 How do I make my own victory conditions?.2.9 Can I change the commercial influence needed to win? What about other default victory conditions?.2.8 My game crashes, and I think it is because my loops are too big, what to do?.2.7 What does it mean that a function is "host only"?.2.6 Can the number of buildings on a tile be increased?.2.5 Can I have more than one of the same building on a tile?.2.4 Can I create my own units, heroes, characters, buildings?.2.1 To set the victory condition to military only.